Jacob Katz, Emancipation and Assimilation: Studies in Modern Jewish History (Gregg International Publishers, 1972), 143; among the many concurring analysts, see especially Yonathan Shapiro, Democracy in Israel (in Hebrew) (Masada, ...
In what may be the most controversial book on Zionism and Israel published in the last twenty years, Yoram Hazony graphically portrays the cultural and political revolt against Israel's status as the Jewish state.
This edition, based on the original translation to English by Sylvie D’Avigdor, includes a foreword by Alan Dershowitz, who is among Israel’s most prominent and most vocal scholars defenders.
In what may be the most controversial book on Zionism and Israel published in the last twenty years, Yoram Hazony graphically portrays the cultural and political revolt against Israel's status as the Jewish state.
It was the revelation of a mystic vision with flashes and overtones of prophecy. This is what Bein says: "Then suddenly the storm breaks upon him. The clouds open. The thunder rolls. The lightning flashes about him.
Auerbach's extensive introduction brings home the importance and complexities of this historic work, of this visionary man.
First published as a pamphlet in Vienna in 1896, this present volume is a complete and unabridged replication of "The Jewish State," reproduced from the edition published by the American Zionist Emergency Council of New York in 1946. ...
This is of bearing to Europeans, given what will be the increasingly anti-white nature of many of the "multi-racial" Western states. This book is more than a historical document.
This edition, based on the original translation to English by Sylvie D’Avigdor, includes a foreword by Alan Dershowitz, who is among Israel’s most prominent and most vocal scholars defenders.
Influential 1896 polemic by the father of modern Zionism discusses political and historic rationales for a Jewish homeland. Excellent translation includes an Introduction by Louis Lipsky and a biography of the author.
The Jewish State is the original zionist classic by Theodor Herzl. The book is about the start of a Jewish state, and played a big role in Israel becoming a state.
As expressed in this book, Herzl envisioned the founding of a future independent Jewish state during the 20th century. He argued that the best way to avoid anti-Semitism in Europe was to create this independent Jewish state.
The Jewish State
It is the only vibrant democracy in the Middle East. This book will be especially instructive for those who wish to compare the dream of the Jewish state' with its reality today.