However, Constantine's nephew and successor, Julian the Apostate, did not share his uncle's beliefs, and the Empire returned to paganism. In a blatant attempt to antagonise Christians, Julian began to rebuild the Temple (not that he had ...
An ancient mystery explored by an expert using archeology, geology, history and astronomy.
The age of the Crusades encompassed the rise and fall of a singular Order of fighting men, equally devoted to God, war and the defense of Palestine.
Or so goes the official story. In this book, we will not only look into the official history of the Knights Templar, but will examine the various ways their influence and ideas have tunnelled their way into the modern world.
Belligerent warmongers or saintly monks? This book surveys the Knights Templar, exploring the controversies that still surround this famous medieval institution.
Much has been written about the Knights Templar in recent years, most of it highly speculative and with no historical foundation. They have been associated with everything from Freemasonry to...
The order of the Knights Templar was founded by Hugh de Payens, a French nobleman from the Champagne region, along with eight of his companions, in Jerusalem around 1119.
The book was prepared for the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem - OSMTH. This book is the first to study the roots of the 19th century Neo-Templars scientifically.
... five other knights of the Templar Order, Godfroi de St. Omer, Geoffroi Bisol, Payen de Montdidier, Rosal, and Achambaud de StAmand, who each fielded questions for the Council concerning the founding of the Order, the Rule followed, ...
In this unique collection of lecture material and writings from Rudolf Steiner, a new perspective emerges.
This wonderful little book gives you a unique insight into the life of a Knights Templar as unlike any other title of its kind this books focus is on the duties beliefs and daily life of the Knights Templar rather than just their history.
The Knights Templar were the most powerful military religious order of the Middle Ages.
A leading specialist in the history of this legendary medieval order now writes a full account of the Knights of the Order of the Temple of Solomon, to give them their full title, bringing the latest findings to a general audience.
This authoritative guide includes the medieval legends of the templars in romantic and epic literature, their doomed Crusades and dominance in Christendom, their fall from grace and disbandment by the Pope, while also reporting on this ...
They gained a reputation for ferocity in battle; indeed, brutality toward an infidel was regarded as meritorious. Here, in this essay from New York Times bestselling historian Morris Bishop is their story.
Much has been written about the Knights Templar in recent years.
... the Templar seal, symbolizes the coming of a new living Christianity. The Templars were to prepare an esoteric ... spirit source of one's thinking and being. To experience the consciousness soul, Steiner calls for the creation of a ...
The Knights Templar tells the stories of the major and minor military orders from the 11th century to the present day.