The Legal Environment of Business
This book introduces topics relating to the US Constitution, ethics, dispute resolution, crimes, torts, property, contracts, business entities, securities, agency, employment discrimination, and more.
According to the authors, the book is not intended to create lawyers, but to help business students recognize, address, and avoid legal problems.
An accessible writing style combined with thoughtful pedagogy make this text ideal for undergraduate and graduate business students.
This text focuses on the development of public policy through legal routes and the external influences that impede this process. This text has been designed for use in a business...
This popular text effectively combines a traditional case focus with clear and concise coverage of a wide range of up-to-date topics.
Rather than conveying the material in the dry, serious manner of many other legal environment books, the text uses a reader-friendly style and frequent points of humor and levity to make it much easier for the key ideas to come across.
The Legal Environment of Business: Text, Cases, and Readings
This is the only textbook that helps readers develop a thorough understanding of the legal environment of business and enhances their ability to engage in critical thinking and ethical analysis.
Introduces fundamental legal topics relating to the US Constitution, ethics, dispute resolution, crimes, torts, property, contracts, business entities, securities, agency, employment discrimination, debtor-creditor relationships, negotiable ...
An accessible writing style combined with thoughtful pedagogy make this text ideal for undergraduate and graduate business students.
This edition makes ethics a priority, using the IDDR Approach for making ethical decisions. The author focuses on broad issues that correspond to what business owners and managers face.
In addition, numerous features and exercises help you master key concepts and apply what you've learned to real-world issues, and the book offers an unmatched range of support resources, including innovative online review tools.
This is the only textbook that helps readers develop a thorough understanding of the legal environment of business and enhances their ability to engage in critical thinking and ethical analysis.
Students save money by purchasing this bundle which includes Meiner s The Legal Environment of Business, 13th Edition and access to MindTap.
The Legal Environment of Business
Our goal is to provide a book that students and professors will enjoy reading - a book that shows the relevancy of the law to current and future businesspeople. *In Consultation The book contains ten scenarios based on contemporary legal ...
Taking a dynamic and contemporary approach to legal business studies, this text covers introductory topics, private law, and public law - but offers an alternative to the traditional method of case analysis.
The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach : Theory to Practice
Designed for the one-term legal environment of business course offered at four-year colleges and universities and in many two-year colleges, this text provides students with fundamental knowledge concerning a series...