This three-volume set, designed to accompany Mr. Johnson's previously published work, the widely acclaimed Poems of Emily Dickinson, assembles all of Emily Dickinson's letters (with the exception of letters presumably destroyed).
Missing from the early volumes were letters to key correspondents like Susan Dickinson and Judge Otis Phillips Lord, as well as some of the draft manuscripts now referred to as the "Master" letters.
Missing from the early volumes were letters to key correspondents like Susan Dickinson and Judge Otis Phillips Lord, as well as some of the draft manuscripts now referred to as the "Master" letters.
Dickinson’s letters shed light on the soaring and capacious mind of a great American poet and her vast world of relationships. This edition presents her correspondence anew, in all its complexity and brilliance.
... Dickinson, February 15, 1848 [Mount Holyoke Female Seminary] Tuesday noon. My dear Austin. Miss, Fiske. has been to my room & left word that she is going to Amherst. to night & I can send home by her if I wish. It seemed desolate enough ...