The Longest War

  • The Longest War: Sex Differences in Perspective
    By Carol Tavris, Carole Offir, Carole Wade

    Albert Bandura ( 1969 ) illustrates this point with a parable about a big - game hunter who came face to face with a hungry lion . “ As he prepared to shoot the onrushing beast , the gun jammed . Helpless and terrified , the hunter ...

  • The Longest War: The Enduring Conflict Between America and Al-Qaeda
    By Peter L. Bergen

    235 traveled to Pakistan's tribal areas: USA vs Bryant Neal Vinas, Eastern District Court of New York 08-CR-823. Neal-Vinas-Court-Docs.pdf. He pled guilty on January 28, ...

  • The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict
    By Dilip Hiro

    Traces the history of the eight-year-long war between the two Middle Eastern neighbors, describes the results of the war, and assesses its impact on the region

  • The Longest War: Israel in Lebanon
    By Jacobo Timerman

    Argues that the Israeli invasion of Lebanon was really designed to destroy Palestinian nationalism rather than insure the defense of Israel's borders from terrorists

  • The Longest War: 3rd Edition
    By M. Stefan Strozier

    Stories from the Afghanistan War and other wars, veterans are welcome to contribute their stories to this ongoing project.

  • The Longest War: Sex Differences in Perspective
    By Carol Tavris, Carole Offir, Carole Wade

    The Longest War: Sex Differences in Perspective

  • The Longest War: The Enduring Conflict between America and Al-Qaeda
    By Peter Bergen

    This attack seems to have been an attempted suicide operation in which Hasan planned a jihadist “death-by-cop.” In the year before his killing spree, Hasan had made Web postings about suicide operations and the theological justification ...

  • The Longest War: Northern Ireland and the IRA
    By Kevin Kelley

    The book provides detailed insight into how the struggle in Northern Ireland is viewed by Irish Republicans.

  • The Longest War
    By Jacobo Timerman

    The Longest War

  • The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Military Conflict
    By Dilip Hiro

    When President Saddam Hussein of Iraq attacked Iran in September 1980 he expected victory within three weeks. Eight years and more than a million casualties later, the conflict ended, with...

  • The Longest War
    By Jacobo Timerman

    Forfatteren er født i Ukraine. I mange år journalist i Argentina. Arresteredes og udvistes til Israel. Med anledning i Israels invasion i Libanon retter han en stærk anklage mod Israels...

  • The Longest War: Israel in Lebanon
    By Jacobo Timerman

    An account that is critical of Israel's role in the Lebanon disintegration and particularly of the invasion of Lebanon in 1982.