Albert Bandura ( 1969 ) illustrates this point with a parable about a big - game hunter who came face to face with a hungry lion . “ As he prepared to shoot the onrushing beast , the gun jammed . Helpless and terrified , the hunter ...
235 traveled to Pakistan's tribal areas: USA vs Bryant Neal Vinas, Eastern District Court of New York 08-CR-823. Neal-Vinas-Court-Docs.pdf. He pled guilty on January 28, ...
Traces the history of the eight-year-long war between the two Middle Eastern neighbors, describes the results of the war, and assesses its impact on the region
Argues that the Israeli invasion of Lebanon was really designed to destroy Palestinian nationalism rather than insure the defense of Israel's borders from terrorists
Stories from the Afghanistan War and other wars, veterans are welcome to contribute their stories to this ongoing project.
The Longest War: Sex Differences in Perspective
This attack seems to have been an attempted suicide operation in which Hasan planned a jihadist “death-by-cop.” In the year before his killing spree, Hasan had made Web postings about suicide operations and the theological justification ...
The book provides detailed insight into how the struggle in Northern Ireland is viewed by Irish Republicans.
The Longest War
When President Saddam Hussein of Iraq attacked Iran in September 1980 he expected victory within three weeks. Eight years and more than a million casualties later, the conflict ended, with...
Forfatteren er født i Ukraine. I mange år journalist i Argentina. Arresteredes og udvistes til Israel. Med anledning i Israels invasion i Libanon retter han en stærk anklage mod Israels...
An account that is critical of Israel's role in the Lebanon disintegration and particularly of the invasion of Lebanon in 1982.