The Magic Book

  • The Magic Book
    By Torin James Alexander

    Will Jordan choose to be the coolest boy in school, even if it means losing his best friend Louis? And will he save his friend Louis by throwing the shining Magic Book back into the dark hole in the attic?

  • The Magic Book
    By Willo Davis Roberts

    When Alex and his friends try the spells in an old book, things don't happen quite as they'd thought, but they decide to try the bully spell on the school bully anyway.

  • The Magic Book
    By Jim Steinmeyer, Mike Caveney

    Featuring hundreds of rarely seen vintage posters, photographs, handbills, and engravings, The Magic Book follows this special performing art from the 1400s to the 1950s.

  • The Magic Book
    By Marcus Pfister

    While searching her magic book for a spell to conjure a dragon, a young wizard discovers that she, like the reader, can find magical creatures and bits of spells by folding the book different ways.

  • The Magic Book: Four Integrated Magic Systems for Basic Roleplaying
    By Charlie Krank, Steve Perrin, Greg Stafford

    This book explains the mechanics of three independent magic systems (spirit magic, divine magic and wizardry) and details ritual magic, a system common to shamans, priests and wizards.

  • The Magic Book
    By Harry Lorayne

    "The Magic Book" reveals the secrets of magicians--the simple techniques that will enable anyone to perform seemingly complicated magic tricks with relative ease.

  • The Magic Book
    By Jane Bull

    Perform incredible vanishing tricks in front of an astonished audience Create potions that fizz, hiss, bubble, and bang Amaze friends with your astounding mind-reading powers Conjure up an enchanted bag A bewitching brew of extraordinary ...

  • The Magic Book

    When a young man goes to work for a bookbinder, he promises not to read a very special book. But his curiosity leads him to this book of magic. Many changes come about from the magic he learns.