8 full-color FullView Bible Summary sections 80 QuickView Charts 78 maps, nine in color Prophetic reference system Time lines Practical application 15,000 expository study notes 100 InDepth articles 350 WordFocus word studies keyed to ...
Super Saver Ed. 8 full-color FullView Bible Summary sections 80 QuickView Charts 78 maps, nine in color Prophetic reference system Time lines Practical application 15,000 expository study notes 100 InDepth articles 350 WordFocus word ...
8 full-view Bible summary sections in color Concordance J80 quick-view charts 78 maps, nine in color Prophetic reference system Timeline Practical application notes 15,000 expository study notes 100 in-depth articles J350 word studies keyed ...
8 full-view Bible summary sections in color Concordance J80 quick-view charts 78 maps, nine in color Prophetic reference system Timeline Practical application notes 15,000 expository study notes 100 in-depth articles J350 word studies keyed ...
In the preface to the 1611 edition, the translators of the authorized Version, known popularly as the king James Bible, state that it was not their purpose 'to make a new transltion. . . but to make a good one better.'
8 full-view Bible summary sections in color Concordance J80 quick-view charts 78 maps, nine in color Prophetic reference system Timeline Practical application notes 15,000 expository study notes 100 in-depth articles J350 word studies keyed ...
8 full-view Bible summary sections in color Concordance J80 quick-view charts 78 maps, nine in color Prophetic reference system Timeline Practical application notes 15,000 expository study notes 100 in-depth articles J350 word studies keyed ...
It includes 15,000 Nelson's expository study notes, Prophetic reference system, 100 in depth articles, 350 WordFocus word studies keyed to Strong's Concordance, 8 fullview Bible summary sections in color, 78 maps, 80 quick view charts, book ...
In it you will find thousands of exegetical annotations for a devotional yet scholarly look at the text verse by verse.
8 full-view Bible summary sections in color Concordance J80 quick-view charts 78 maps, nine in color Prophetic reference system Timeline Practical application notes 15,000 expository study notes 100 in-depth articles J350 word studies keyed ...