In this pathbreaking philosophical work, Elizabeth Grosz points the way toward a theory of becoming to replace the prevailing ontologies of being in social, political, and biological discourse.
Like the late work of Cézanne, Waldrop’s art has found a new way of seeing and thinking that “vibrates on multiple registers through endless, restless exploration” (citation for the Los Angeles Times Book Prize).
Francis King's entertaining new novel looks at the havoc wrough when a young Egyptian - an illegal immigrant - finds himself in London. Ahmad leads a double life, befriending and...
. . San Culberson has been an avid reader her entire life and feels privileged at the opportunity to share her imagination with others. She shops, writes, and lives in Houston, Texas.
The world’s first time traveler embarks on a multiverse misadventure in this madcap novel from “one of SF’s distinctively nutty voices!” (Chicago Tribune).
The Nick of Time: Essays on Haiku Aesthetics