International Standard Book Number : 0-672-32611-6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number : 2003113099 Printed in the United States of America First Printing : December 2003 06 05 04 4 3 Associate Publisher Michael Stephens ...
This revised edition focuses on the OOP technologies that have survived the past 20 years and remain at its core, with new and expanded coverage of design patterns, avoiding dependencies, and the SOLID principles to help make software ...
Readers will also become more efficient and better thinkers in terms of object-oriented development. This revised edition focuses on interoperability across various technologies, primarily using XML as the communication mechanism.
Readers will also become more efficient and better thinkers in terms of object-oriented development. This revised edition focuses on interoperability across various technologies, primarily using XML as the communication mechanism.
The Object-oriented Thought Process
As the title suggests, this book is about the objectoriented (OO) thought process. Although choosing the theme and title of a book are important decisions, these decisions are not at all straightforward when dealing with a highly ...
Readers will also become more efficient and better thinkers in terms of object-oriented development. This revised edition focuses on interoperability across various technologies, primarily using XML as the communication mechanism.
Written by a developer for developers who want to make the leap to object-oriented technologies, this book provides a solutions-oriented approach to object-oriented programming.
Readers will also become more efficient and better thinkers in terms of object-oriented development. This revised edition focuses on interoperability across various technologies, primarily using XML as the communication mechanism.