See Rubrics Griffiths, C., 233 Grinter, R., 113 Grisham, J., 144 Grogan, G., 43 Group projects: additional thoughts on managing, 189–190; additional thoughts on, 129–130; assessing, 190–193; communication and presentation tools for, ...
A later (2019) report from the Business-Higher Education Forum, Reskilling—A Solution for the Digital Skills Gap by Fenlon and Fitzgerald, focuses on the need for integrating “foundational digital skills” into ...
This edition features new material on teaching intensive and accelerated courses, additional ways to customize learning strategies and assess student mastery, as well as guidance on advanced course design.
This book also reviews the latest research in cognitive processing and related learning outcomes.
What do you think is the main issue here? How does this relate to our discussion, problem, or issue? What do you think John meant by his remark? What did you understand John to mean? Jane, would you summarize in your own words what ...
This book should be especially valuable for faculty teaching their first or second course online.