The Other Side of Truth is a gripping adventure story about courage, family, and the power of truth.
Three Men Seeking Monsters: Six Weeks in Pursuit of Werewolves, Lake Monsters, Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape Men. Pocket Books, 2004. Redfern, Nick, and Andy Roberts. Strange Secrets: Real Government Fileson the Unknown.
'A marvellous read ... that refuels the desire for justice and freedom' - Jon Snow 'Beverley Naidoo breaks the rules, producing books for young people which recognize that they want to know about the real world' Guardian 'This novel wholly ...
While this book won't give the reader any answers about ghosts, extraterrestrials, or the afterlife, it will inspire them to ask questions about the world and universe around them.
... where it was known as widdershins. The Oxford English Dictionary entry cites the earliest uses of the word from 1513, where it was found in the phrase “widdersyns start my hair.” It was considered unlucky in Britain to travel in an anti ...