The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination

  • The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination
    By Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen, Martin Knakkergaard

    In this two-volume Handbook, contributors address this tendency head-on, correcting the currentbias towards visual imagination to instead highlight the many forms of sonic and musical imagination.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination
    By Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen, Martin Knakkergaard

    In this two-volume Handbook, contributors shift the focus of imagination away from the visual by addressing the topic of sonic imagination and expanding the field beyond musical compositional creativity and performance technique into other ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination
    By Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen, Martin Knakkergaard

    Music and Its Lovers: An Empirical Study of Emotion and Imaginative Responses to Music. London: G. Allen & Unwin. Levinson, J. 1996. Musical Expressiveness. In The Pleasures of Aesthetics: Philosophical Essays, 90–125.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination
    By Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen, Martin Knakkergaard

    To explain his own way of working, Becker refers to the theater director Krystian Lupa and the latter's creation of a world behind the text. As a child, Lupa lived in a house with an immense garden. His theater practice started there.

  • The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination
    By Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen, Martin Knakkergaard

    In this two-volume Handbook, contributors shift the focus of imagination away from the visual by addressing the topic of sonic imagination and expanding the field beyond musical compositional creativity and performance technique into other ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination
    By Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard, Mads Walther-Hansen, Martin Knakkergaard

    ... lethal, while the atomic bomb, indiscriminately lethal yet both silent and loud—silent at its epicenter, it kills its victims before they hear it (beyond 300 meters)—is the loudest sound imaginable, between 240 dB and 280 dB.1 I find it ...

  • The Oxford Handbook of Sound and Imagination: Volume 1
    By Mark Grimshaw, Martin Knakkergaard, Mads Hansen

    In this two-volume Handbook, contributors shift the focus of imagination away from the visual by addressing the topic of sonic imagination and expanding the field beyond musical compositional creativity and performance technique into other ...