... 147 , 44 , 275n Christensen , H. T. , 465 Benjamin , J. , xiv - Xv Christensen , T. , 433 Bergman , A. , 194 Churchill , Winston , 518 Berlyne , D. E. , 305 Cobb , P. M. , 69n Bernard , J. , 437 , 459 Cohen , M. B. , 217 Bernstein ...
Social exchange between humans ideally requires an implicit understanding of fairness and reciprocity, Kirkpatrick argues. In some religious traditions, most notably those spawned by the Old Testament stories, gods make social exchange ...
The Person highlights fascinating new research on the stories people construct to make sense of their lives. This third edition of The Person integrates the classic theories of personality with the best research the field has to offer.
"The Person highlights fascinating new research on the stories people construct to make sense of their lives. This third edition of "The Person integrates the classic theories of personality with the best research the field has to offer.
The Person: An Introduction to Personality Psychology, 6th Edition presents the most up-to-date research, theory, and methods in the field of personality psychology. This exciting new edition has been completely...
The Person: An Introduction to Personality Psychology
Experience the story of a lifetime When you want to truly get to know a person, dates and facts about their life will only tell you so much. You need...
The Person: A New Introduction to Personality Psychology
The Person: An Integrated Introduction to Personality Psychology