The Pledge of Allegiance

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Justine Fontes

    Introduces the Pledge of Allegiance, recounting its history and describing what the words mean and the reasons why it is a symbol of the United States.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Norman Pearl

    Discusses the history of the Pledge of Allegiance, its meaning, and changes in the text of it over the years.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Norman Pearl

    Writing the Pledge .............................. 5 A Special Celebration ......................... 6 The First Pledge of Allegiance ........... 8 A Popular Pledge ................................ 9 Changes to the Pledge .

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Terry Allan Hicks

    Web Sites A Matter of Conscience National Flag Day Foundation — The Story of the Pledge of Allegiance The Original Pledge of Allegiance ...

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Inc. Scholastic

    Photographs illustrating each phrase of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag introduce information about the scenes depicted, the origin and meaning of the pledge, national holidays when the flag should be displayed, and other details about ...

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Marc Tyler Nobleman

    Pledge of Allegiance Fast Facts Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance in 1892 . Students first said the Pledge of Allegiance on Columbus Day , 1892. This day celebrated the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus ' arrival to ...

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Pamela Dell

    How Has the Pledge Changed ? The Pledge of Allegiance written by Francis Bellamy was : I pledge allegiance to my Flag , and to the Republic for which it stands : One Nation indivisible , With Liberty and Justice for all .

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Marc Tyler Nobleman

    A simple introduction to the Pledge of Allegiance, discussing how it was written, modifications made over the years, its inclusion in the U.S. Flag Code, and more.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Lola M. Schaefer

    What do the words of the Pledge of Allegiance mean? Why do Americans say the Pledge of Allegiance? Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance? Find out these answers and more.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Lola M. Schaefer

    Explains the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance, looks at how the pledge has changed since it was first written in 1892, and discusses its significance to American culture and daily life.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance: Story of One Indivisible Nation
    By Lisa Kozleski

    The Pledge of Allegiance remains an important symbol of American values, including liberty and justice for all.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Pamela Dell

    Describes the history of the Pledge of Allegiance and the changes that have been made to it since it was first written in 1892.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Nancy Harris

    This title introduces readers to the history and importance of the Pledge of Allegiance as an American symbol, as well as interesting facts about it. A timeline is also included tracing its creation.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Tyler Monroe

    Simple text and full color photographs briefly describe The Pledge of Allegiance and its role as a national symbol.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
    By Heather Fata

    Introduces the Pledge of Allegiance, the man who wrote it, how it has changed since it was written, and why some people object to some of its words.