39. Virginia Woolf to Vanessa Bell , December 22 , 1922 , in Virginia Woolf , The Letters of Virginia Woolf , vol . 2 : 1912–1922 , ed . Nigel Nicolson and Joanne Trautmann ( New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1977 ) , 594–95 . 40.
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An “outstanding new intellectual biography of John Maynard Keynes [that moves] swiftly along currents of lucidity and wit” (The New York Times), illuminating the world of the influential economist and his ...
At the dawn of World War I, a young academic named John Maynard Keynes hastily folded his long legs into the sidecar of his brother-in-law?s motorcycle for an odd, frantic journey that would change the course of history.
An irredeemably reckless 'rogue regime' might be expected to continue its malign set of behaviours whenever it gambled that it was sufficiently safe to do so, until it guessed wrong and was forcibly overthrown or collapsed.
One day in February 1942, the people of Singapore were rudely awakened to the fact that the peace and freedom they enjoyed had been taken away. Japan, a strong military...