These interviews are in stark contrast with the other interviews and reveal skepticism about the program's contributions to positive change or other potential benefits. Kwame decides to discuss this issue with Jonah at the next ...
In L. Bickman (Ed.), Validity and social experimentation: Donald Campbell's legacy (pp. 3–43). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Cook, T. D. (2004). Causalgeneralization:How Campbelland Cronbachinfluencedthe theoretical thinking on this topic in ...
The Second Edition of this volume is the result of an extensive review process by the Joint Committee of the original Standards for Evaluations of Educational Programs, Projects, and Materials published in 1981.
"The Program Evaluation Standards is a 'must-have' book for anyone responsible for reviewing evaluation proposals, planning and conducting evaluations, managing evaluation projects, or judging the merit and worth of evaluations...
Including a new section on evaluation accountability, this Third Edition details 30 standards which give advice to those interested in planning, implementing and using program evaluations.
The Program Evaluation Standards