The Psalms: The Liturgical Psalter
71-77 ; J. C. McCann , Jr. , A Theological Introduction to the Book of Psalms ( Nashville , 1983 ) , pp . 45-48 ; J. Racette , “ La spiritualité du Ps 95 ( 94 ) , ” Sciences ecclesiastiques , X ( 1958 ) , pp .
The Psalms raise many difficult and controversial issues. Who are the enemies in the Individual Lament Psalms? How many Royal Psalms are there and what was the role of the king in the cult? What happened at the Autumn Festival?
Schmid, H. H., Wesen und Geschichte der Weisheit. Eine Untersuchung zur Altorientalischen und Israelitischen Weisheitsliteratur, BZAW 101 (Berlin 1966). [Wisdom in Israel: pp. 144-201; as personified: 149-154] Schmid, R., ...
In this commentary on Psalms 1–44, readers will find encouragement and inspiration as they encounter the psalmists' passionate pursuit of God. Part of thePreaching the Word commentary series.
The translation is easy to read, avoids the Biblish dialect, and does not read the New Testament back into the text.
Includes the King James version of the Psalms of David.
The Psalms is a beautiful presentation of this beloved section of Scripture in large, readable type on high-quality paper. Featuring the ESV text, this edition is great for devotions, liturgical use, or as a gift.
No one is more qualified to write on the Psalms than John Eaton. He is a distinguished Old Testament scholar and has spent a lifetime studying the Psalms. This commentary is addressed to the wide readership.
Contemporary translation of the Book of Psalms of the Old Testament, which is often termed the "Gospel of the Holy Spirit.
Rev. J.W. Gregg Meister shows us in The Psalms: The Prayer Book of Jesus that Jesus Himself turned to the psalms for strength and guidance while He walked on earth.
In this beautifully designed book, Chittister provides a favorite psalm for each month and a reflection on the prayer for each day so that the psalm can become a benedition that pulsates in our hearts.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer here gives one of his secrets behind the powerful witness of his own life. He had learned to pray the Psalms and from them drew on the power...
This meticulous work renders a translation of Psalms more reliable than those of Terrien's predecessors. He also draws on many fruitful gains of structural analysis in discerning the strophic divisions within the Hebrew text.
This meticulous work renders a translation of Psalms more reliable than those of Terrien's predecessors. He also draws on many fruitful gains of structural analysis in discerning the strophic divisions within the Hebrew text.
These essays explore the full range of emotion expressed in the Psalms—from elation to distress—while weaving together observations from biblical scholarship and theology.
No one is more qualified to write on the Psalms than John Eaton. He is a distinguished Old Testament scholar and has spent a lifetime studying the Psalms. This commentary is addressed to the wide readership.
The Psalms: Hebrew Text & English Translation
This volume offers one of the best available introductions to the psalms literature of the Bible.
This St. Joseph Edition of, the Psalms also features a valuable Preface that, describes the Psalms as the Prayer of Jesus, offers, guidance on how to pray the Psalms with the mind of the, Church, and gives a clear explanation of the ...