This third edition explores the scientific methods that are used to better understand attitudes and how they change, updated to reflect the flurry of research activity in this dynamic subject over the past few years.
With the aid of a few helpful metaphors, the text provides readers with a grasp of the fundamental concepts for understanding attitudes and an appreciation of the scientific challenges that lay ahead.
In addition, the research tests whether each component explains the overall attitude in unique but complementary ways; ... Indicate the degree of favorability of each feeling or emotion as follows: 1) If the emotion is positive, write a ...
Using a cover story developed by Linder, Cooper, and Jones (1967), the experimenter asked the student to write a strong and forceful speech advocating a spike in tuition fees. He explained that this would be the speech that the other ...
In the 2nd Edition, Greg Maio and Geoffrey Haddock expand on how scientific methods have been used to better understand attitudes and how they change, with updates to reflect the most recent findings.
... Evaluating social programs and problems: Visions for the new millennium (pp. 19–41). Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Selnow, G. W., & Crano, W. D. (1987). Planning, implementing, and evaluating targeted communication programs: A manual for ...
With the aid of a few helpful metaphors, the text provides readers with a grasp of the fundamental concepts for understanding attitudes and an appreciation of the scientific challenges that lie ahead.