The Psychology of Prejudice

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Todd D. Nelson

    Hood , R. , 95 Hood , W. , 15 , 51 , 233 Hooker , K. , 175 Hornsey , M. , 48 , 53 Horwitz , M. , 31 Hough , J. , 59 , 113 Houlette , M. , 233 Hovland , C. , 14 , 48 , 49 , 200 Howard , A. , 73 , 76 Howes , P. , 114 , 123 Huff , D. , 35 ...

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Richard Gross

    Goddard agreed with Binet that the scale worked best in identifying children just below the normal range. But whereas Binet refused to label IQ as a measure of innate, general intelligence that could be used to rank all pupils, ...

  • The Psychology of Prejudice: From Attitudes to Social Action
    By Lynne M. Jackson

    This second edition presents a significantly updated overview the social, developmental, evolutionary, and personality roots of prejudice, along with contemporary examples of prejudicial attitudes and strategies for combating them.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Mark P. Zanna, James M. Olson

    This volume consists of expanded and updated versions of papers presented at the Seventh Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice: The Ontario Symposium, Volume 7
    By Mark P. Zanna, James M. Olson

    This volume consists of expanded and updated versions of papers presented at the Seventh Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Kerry Kawakami

    The study of prejudice is a major theme in social psychology because it encompasses or has close ties to many different core areas in the field: in particular, research and...

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Richard Gross

    Can our personality contribute to our prejudices? How do we reduce prejudice and discrimination? The Psychology of Prejudiceexplores different forms of prejudice and discrimination, from racial jokes to genocide.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Richard Gross

    Can our personality contribute to our prejudices? How do we reduce prejudice and discrimination? The Psychology of Prejudiceexplores different forms of prejudice and discrimination, from racial jokes to genocide.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice: The Ontario Symposium, Volume 7
    By Mark P. Zanna, James M. Olson

    This volume consists of expanded and updated versions of papers presented at the Seventh Ontario Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice: From Attitudes to Social Action
    By Lynne M. Jackson

    The Psychology of Prejudice provides an accessible yet scholarly review of social psychological theory on prejudice with the goal of integrating recent theories about its causes and introducing emerging trends...

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Todd D. Nelson

    "Gretchen Sechrist, The State University of New York at Buffalo" The text is written in a manner that is both interesting and empirically-based. My students really seem to enjoy reading the text.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice
    By Todd D. Nelson, Michael A. Olson

    Written in an engaging, conversational style, the book brings social-psychological theories and research to life with compelling everyday examples. The text explores the personal and societal impacts of different forms of prejudice.

  • The Psychology of Prejudice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Issues
    By Dale W. Russell

    From the judicial system to the marketplace, from women's intentional self-sexualisation to prison exonerees' stigma-by-association, this book offers a compelling and wide-ranging discussion and review of the latest scientific evidence of ...