The Rancher Takes a Wife

  • The Rancher Takes a Wife
    By Jackie Merritt

    The Rancher Takes A Wife by Jackie Merritt released on Oct 25, 1994 is available now for purchase.

  • The Rancher Takes a Wife
    By Richmond P. Hobson

    Told with wit and wisdom, this is Hobson's tale of bringing his city-bred interior-decorator bride to the harsh life of the British Columbia Interior.

  • The Rancher Takes a Wife: A True Account of Life on the Last Great Cattle Frontier
    By Richmond P. Hobson

    These dramatic tales are described with the humor and vivid detail that have made Hobson's books perennial favorites.

  • The Rancher Takes a Wife
    By Sylvia McDaniel

    In this book, Eugenia Burnett sets up her eldest son, Travis, with an exotic spiritualist named Rose by tricking him into putting the young woman under house arrest. Only then does Travis discover that Rose may be the woman of his dreams.

  • The Rancher Takes a Wife
    By Judith Bowen

    Cowboy goes a-courtin' Jeremiah Blake is a true man of the West: a hardworking, straight-talking rancher.

  • The Rancher Takes a Wife
    By Jackie Merritt

    Vowing to marry Melissa Avery, whom he had loved for most of his life, Wyatt North decides to share his true self with her and claim her for his own despite her unsettled past.