The Reckoning

  • The Reckoning
    By Robert W. Chambers

    The first romance of the series, Cardigan, was followed by the second, The Maid-at-Arms. The third in order is not completed. The fourth is the present volume.

  • The Reckoning: Earth Haven:
    By Sam Kates

    The final novel in a science fiction, apocalyptic trilogy.

  • The Reckoning: Book One
    By Jeffrey Pierce

    When they reached the small stone fountain in the Talmas town center, they had yet to see a single living thing. Renoir and Isaiah filled the meager pair of canteens they had between them. The rest of them slumped against the fountain, ...

  • The Reckoning: Women Artists of the New Millennium
    By Sue Scott, Eleanor Heartney, Helaine Posner

    KARA WALKER American, born1969 Monographs and Solo Exhibition Catalogues Als, Hilton, and F. Calvo Serraller. Kara Walker: The Black Road. Malaga: CAC Centro de Contemporáneo, 2010. Pindell, Howardena. Kara Walker: Evasion, Denial, ...

  • The Reckoning
    By Robert W. Chambers

    Elsin had slept all the bright morning through in her little room at the Blue Fox Tavern, whither Colonel Sheldon's horsemen had ... the landlord, with his good intentions, pressed too cordially, though he meant nothing except kindness.

  • The Reckoning
    By David Halberstam

    productivity teams visiting America mentioned Deming to their hosts, the Americans rarely knew his name. The few who did seemed to regard him as some kind of crank. To the Japanese that was particularly puzzling, for when a Japanese ...

  • The Reckoning
    By John Grisham

    Truitt snapped at Milt Muncie. “And you can't make me vote.” Muncie shot back angrily, ready to either throw a punch or take one. Truitt looked around the room, counted quickly, and announced, “I count ten. That's two-thirds, enough for ...

  • The Reckoning
    By Kathryn Shay

    I honestly think we all could use some air.” “It's against my professional judgment.” Ben came racing out. “Mike, we're goin' to the park. You and Karen can come, too.” Finally, Jamie played her trump card. “I'm making this decision.

  • The Reckoning: Debt, Democracy, and the Future of American Power
    By Michael Moran

    ... Bill McIlwain of the Sarasota Heralcl—Trihune; Merrill Brown, Brian Storm, and Bob Aglow at MSNBC; Richard Haass, Trish Dorff, Jim Lindsay, David Kellogg, and Lisa Shields at CFR; and Gideon Rose ofForeign Affairs.

  • The Reckoning
    By John Grisham

    Buford Provine, the Bannings' longtime foreman, began stopping by the jail each morning for a cigarette with Pete. They usually met outdoors behind the jail, with Buford leaning against a tree while Pete stretched his legs on the other ...

  • The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe
    By Charles Nicholl

    According to Aubrey, Warner's left hand was missing: 'he had only a stump with five warts upon it' and he 'wore a cuff on it, like a pocket'. Hariot and Warner, together with the geographer Robert Hues, came to be known as the Earl of ...

  • The Reckoning
    By Robert William Chambers

    The first romance of the series, Cardigan, was followed by the second, The Maid-at-Arms. The third in order is not completed. The fourth is the present volume.

  • The Reckoning
    By Kelley Armstrong

    Only two weeks ago, life was all too predictable.

  • The Reckoning
    By Robert W. Chambers

    ... lee of the tavern, I sat brooding, watching the crimson maple-leaves falling from the forest in showers. Frost had come, silvering the stiffened earth, and patches of it still lingered in shady places. Oaks were brown, elms yellow; ...

  • The Reckoning: A Novel
    By Sharon Kay Penman

    Alive from the pages of history, this is the hauntingly beautiful and compelling tale of a game poised to play itself out to its bloody finale as English and Welsh cross swords in a reckoning that must mean disaster for one side or the ...

  • The Reckoning
    By Carsten Stroud

    As the Reckoning begins, Detective Nick Kavanaugh and his wife, Kate, a family lawyer, have accepted that reality in Nicevilleis not normal. Seemingly they've fought Nothing to a draw.

  • The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations
    By Jacob Soll

    An award-winning historian presents a wide-ranging history of accounting, discussing how basic auditing and double-entry bookkeeping have shaped kingdoms and empires as well as how misuse of this system caused the 1929 Crash and the 2008 ...

  • The Reckoning
    By Beverly Lewis

    Unknown to Katie, her long-lost love seeks her even as she has another interest.

  • The Reckoning
    By Jeff Long

    Enter the territory of Jeff Long, where the unknown is deeply present, death is a constant shadow, and the human spirit is our final hope.

  • The Reckoning: The Murder of Christopher Marlowe
    By Charles Nicholl

    This is a story of the Elizabethan underworld. It is a full-length investigation of the killing, tracing Marlowe's shadowy political dealings, his involvement in covert intelligence work, the charges of...