“ Pope Clement preferred to rely on another passage from the Bible , Deuteronomy 25 : 5 : “ If brethren dwell together , and one of them die , and have no child ... her [ the widow's ] husband's brother shall ... take her to wife .
HAYES , HIRAM , CARLTON, J. H. (C), Political and Social History of Modern Europe, 2v., N.Y., 1919. HEADLAM, CECIL, The Story of Nuremberg, London, 1911. HEARNSHAW, F.J. (P), ed., Medieval Contributions to Modern Civilization, N.Y., ...
But in this book Professor Collinson sets out to restore a sense of the Reformation as a momentous historical event.
Much which followed in European history can be traced back to this event. In this Very Short Introduction Peter Marshall seeks to explain the causes and consequences of religious and cultural division and difference in western Christianity.
From Martin Luther, a simple monk who wielded the mallet, to kings and queens, this book goes behind the scenes to uncover the human side of these larger-than-life Reformers.
Critical Concepts in Historical Studies Andrew Pettegree. claimed , or whether they planned ... See Estèbe , Tocsin pour un massacre : La saison des Saint - Barthélemy ( Paris , 1968 ) , 201. For recent assessments of the political ...
thinning of Reformation-rooted doctrinal depth. ... In 2015, Michael Allen and Scott Swain published Reformed Catholicity: The Promise of Retrieval for Theology and Biblical Interpretation.18 While identifying the distinctively Reformed ...
He is the author of A Pentecostal Political Theology for American Renewal (Palgrave, 2016), From Pentecost to the Triune God (Eerdmans, 2012), and several other books on Jonathan Edwards' Trinitarian theology and Pentecostal theology.
The National Book Critics Circle Award–winning history of the Reformation—from the New York Times bestselling author of Christianity At a time when men and women were prepared to kill—and be killed—for their faith, the Protestant ...
walls, but far beyond Europe north of the Alps. This third Reformation can be described as a revolution because it collected and concentrated the revolutionary force and potential of all three fields of conflict described above: this ...
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly.
This book celebrates the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.
on the continent, an outstanding advocate of freedom of conscience was Pierre Bayle.67 Contrary to Locke, Bayle sought to establish tolerance on the basis of freedom of conscience. an orthodox Calvinist, and author of a four-volume ...
Women and the Reformation IMPROVEMENTS: NO IMPROVEMENT: • Women responsible for their own faith • Women still not allowed to be ministers or hold church office • The fact that ministers marry shows value of women • Women still viewed as ...
In 1991 a 564-page book entitled The European Reformation was published; 1996 saw the launch of the four-volume, 1,977-page Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, 1999 heralded a substantial book called Europe; Reformations; in 2000, ...
He has not left us room for gaudy scene , Which uses to amuse you for a time , Whilst nonsense safely glides away in rhyme . 10 2. Tartuffe or Scruple Two dramatic characters , both hypocritical Puritans . Tartuffe is the protagonist in ...
... evangelischen Kirche Deutschlands zwischen 1530 und 1600 , part 1 , Quellen zur Geschichte des Katechismus - Unterrichts , 5 vols . ( Gütersloh , 1904-24 ) . 20 Luther to Elector John of Saxony , 20 May 1530 : Luthers Werke ...
In this, the third volume of the Penguin History of the Church, Professor Chadwick deals with the formative work of Erasmus, Luther, Zwingli and Calvin, and analyses the special circumstances of the English Reformation as well as the ...
Accessible, lucid and based on the best of current research, this book offers readers a wonderful overview of one of the most critical periods in Western history.
The result is a landmark book that will be the standard work on the Reformation for years to come.