Oliver Johnson closed one letter with “let the chain Offriend— ship between us be kept bright” (Johnson to Isaac Post, June 7, 1842, Post Family Papers, UR). For a less sanguine view of Quakers and the 1842 treaty, see Laurence M.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the First Woman's Rights Convention Judith Wellman. Stanton and Susan B. Anthony , vol . 1 , In the School of Anti - Slavery , 1840 to 1866 ( New Brunswick , N.J .: Rutgers University Press , 1997 ) , 200 .
When Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a little girl in the early 1800s, she realized that most people seemed to think that boys were better than girls.
A biography of suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the organizers of the country's first women's rights convention, which took place in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848.
Creative Minds Biographies. This theme unit introduces intermediate readers to several women who changed history.