... over is backed by a line of high-rise hotels R$44; “Urca” or “Praia Vermelha” from Centro the city. Copacabana and Leme 3km to the military-owned Forte de Copacabana (Tues–Sun 10am–5pm; R$4), certainly worth a wander around and ...
AIR. PASSES. AND. ROUND-THE-WORLD. TICKETS. If you intend to take in South America as part of a world trip, a round-the-world (RTW) ticket offers the greatest flexibility – and if your starting point is Australia or New Zealand, ...
At Rough Guides we feel there are six main areas in which you can make a difference: • Consider what you're contributing to the local economy, and how much the ... AIR PASSES AND ROUND-THE-WORLD TICKETS If you're visiting South America.
History Coffee Navarro 1065. At this aptly named café you're surrounded by history (ye olde photos of Punta Arenas, antique coffee grinders) and coffee (beans embedded in your table). The brew is decent, there's a good selection of ...
Mon–Sat 9am–8pm, Sununtil5pm. LaPuerta FalsaC 11 No. 6–50, La Candelaria;map. Thisis where thegood citizens of Bogotácome for snackssuch as chocolatecompleto (hotchocolate withcheese andbread) and colourful sweets that beckon you ...
Rough Guides. Rio. de. Janeiro. The citizens ofRIO DE JANEIRO call it the cidade marvilhosa – and there can't be much argument about that. It's a huge city with a stunning setting, extending along 40km of sandy coast, sandwiched between ...
The citizens of RIO DE JANEIRO call it the cidaa'e man/il/aosa * and there can't be much argument about that. It's a huge city with a stunning setting, extending along 40km of sandy coast and sandwiched between an azure sea and ...
Offers information on traveling in South America including how best to get around, culture and etiquette, and a variety of accomodations.
The Rough Guide to South America on a Budget is the ultimate guide to traveling the continent and getting the most value for every dollar, peso, real, or sol.
The Rough Guide to South America on a Budget is the definitive guide to making the most of this exotic region without breaking the bank.
Rough Guides. Tango, Buenos Aires Backpackers familiar with Europe's hostels will not find as extensive a network of cheap lodging as they ... South America also boasts some of the best camping and hammock-slinging spots in the world.
In the centre is the statue of Gaston Monnerville (1897-1991), a French Guianese lawyer who became the first black man to hold a senior position in the French government. Arrival and information Air Rochambeau International Airport (M ...
Inside this South America on a Budget travel book, you'll find: A wide range of sights - Rough Guides experts have hand-picked places for travellers with different needs and desires: off-the-beaten-track adventures, family activities or ...
... guides, hot web fares and deals for car rental, accommodation and lodging. www.travelonline.co.za (SA). Discount flights and information from South Africa. www.zuji.com.au ... ROUND-THE-WORLD TICKETS. AIR PASSES AND ROUND-THE-WORLD TICKETS.