The Renaissance of Modern Hebrew and Modern Standard Arabic. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Izre'el, Shlomo. “The Emergence of Spoken Israeli Hebrew.” In Corpus Linguistics and Modern Hebrew: Towards the Compilation of ...
“ Israeli Hebrew Texts . ” In Studies in Egyptology and Linguistics in Honour of H. J. Polotsky . Jerusalem : Israel Exploration Society . 132–152 . Blau , Joshua . 1981. The Renaissance of Modern Hebrew and Modern Standard Arabic ...
The handbook The Semitic Languages offers a comprehensive reference tool for Semitic Linguistics in its broad sense. It is not restricted to comparative Grammar, although it covers also comparative aspects, including classification.
S. A. Hopkins. London: Oxford University Press. Gordon, Cyrus H. 1982. Forgotten Scripts: Their Ongoing Discovery and Decipherment, rev. edn, New York: Basic Books. Jensen, Hans. 1969. Sign, Symbol and Script, 3rd edn, trans.
... Words in the Old Testament : Their Origin and Etymology . London : Luzac , 1962 . Fassberg , Steven E. " The Movement of Qal to Pifel in Hebrew and the Disappearance of the Qal Internal Passive . " Hebrew Studies 42 ( 2001 ) : 243-55 ...