Here is an example of a press release: For Immediate Release [Today's date] Attorney Wins Prestigious Award Dave Rosenberg, a local attorney specializing in criminal law, was awarded the state bar's ''Young Lawyer of the Year'' award at ...
This Third Edition includes ten new chaptersdevoted to e-marketing, social media, mobility, apps, and more, allof which you can use to grow your business right now.
This Third Edition includes entirely new chapters devoted to social media, mobility and apps, and new trends in online discounting and group buying that are vital to small business owners everywhere.
The Small Business Bible: Chapter and Verse on Running a Successful Small Business
Covers all data pertinent to small businesses and includes Andrew Tobias' Managing your money software program to assist in the process.
Authoritatively treats the basics of small business, focusing on the truly crucial concerns of the owner-manager. Covers the broader issues of how to keep the business simple and focused, how...
Everything You Need To Know To Succeed In Your Small Business Steven D. Strauss. 276 THE SMALL BUSINESS BIBLE revenues for his store for the month. There are many ways to structure such a compensation program. The most important thing ...