Horace Walpole Laurence Housman Robert Lansing Horatio Alger, Jr. Leo Tolstoy Robert Michael Ballantyne Howard Pyle ... Bernhardt J.G.Austin Lucy Maud Montgomery Selma Lagerlof J. Henri Fabre Lydia Miller Middleton Sherwood Anderson ...
Reproduction of the original: The Story of Siegfried by James Baldwin
Many of the Norse myths are interwoven in the tale. The best rendition for children of the Siegfried legends, based on the Eddas, the Volsung Saga, and the Nibelungenlied. Suitable for ages 11 and up.
At Santen, in the Lowlands, there once lived a young prince named Siegfried.
WHEN the world was in its childhood, men looked upon the works of Nature with a strange kind of awe.
... Norns, too, have spoken, and my doom is known. I cannot escape it.” “The Norns have woven the woof of every man's life,” answered Siegfried. “To-morrow we fare to the Glittering Heath, and the end shall be as the Norns have spoken.” And ...