Ren Gallagher had it all.
A diabolically twisty, psychologically unsettling novel about a woman with no recollection of her past, named one of Suspense Magazine's Best Books of the Year, from the authors of the Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick The Last Mrs.
Hiding the fact that she has no memory of her past from her fiancé, Addison, a survivor of a tragic accident, cannot shake the notion that she may have done something very, very bad.
Middle age took Jane Shilling by surprise.
These are all symptoms of dissociation -- a debilitating psychological condition involving feelings of disconnection that affects 30 million people in North America and often goes untreated.
The Stranger in the Mirror
You feel as if you're going through the motions of life. These are all symptoms of dissociation--a fragmented state of consciousness involving feelings of disconnection and amnesia that affects 30 million individuals in North America alone.