Leslie Bender, A Lawyer's Primer of Feminist Theory and Tort, 38 J. Legal Education 3 (1988). ... 4,919, by permission of California Law Review, Inc. James A. Henderson, Jr. & John A. Siliciano, Universal Health Care and the Continued ...
The text now incorporates the finalized Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm.
L. Rev. 333 (1984). An argument for the zone of danger rule is advanced in Richard N. Pearson, Liability to Bystanders for Negligently Inflicted Emotional Harm—A Comment on the Nature of Arbitrary Rules, 34 Fla. L. Rev. 477 (1982).
The Torts Process, Seventh Edition, offers a student-friendly, procedural approach to tort law. By utilizing a problem-based methodology, students are challenged throughout the text with the use of theoretical and real-life situations. This
New hypotheticals. A brief explanation of the nontraditonal approach to negligence. Additional examples on causation for more illustrative detail The chapter on negligence now appearing earlier. Economic analysis integrated into the text.
The Torts Process
The text now incorporates the finalized Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm.
The Torts Process, Ninth Editionuses a student-friendly, procedurally-focused approach that relies on proven problem-and-cases pedagogy to illuminate the overarching structure and organization of tort law.
Its lively mix of problems, cases, notes, and questions stimulate thought and discussion, while providing a firm foundation in tort doctrine, history, and theory New to the Tenth Edition: Overhaul of section on economic loss rule, including ...
Its lively mix of problems, cases, notes, and questions stimulate thought and discussion, while providing a firm foundation in tort doctrine, history, and theory New to the Tenth Edition: Overhaul of section on economic loss rule, including ...
With its problem approach & student-friendly presentation, THE TORTS PROCESS continues to gain an ever-increasing number of loyal users. Now fully updated & strengthened for its Fifth Edition, this successful...
The Torts Process
The Outline Tool automatically populates your notes and highlights from the e-book into an editable format to accelerate your outline creation and increase study time later in the semester.
With its problem approach and student-friendly presentation, THE TORTS PROCESS continues to gain an ever-increasing number of loyal users. Now fully updated and strengthened for its Fifth Edition, this successful...
The Torts Process
Many great features retain the quality of the Sixth Edition: - A problem approach that challenges student understanding through the use of both theoretical and real-life situations - A clear, balanced presentation that enables students to ...