The Umbrella
On a windy day, a little dog finds an umbrella in the garden. Just when the dog picks up the umbrella, it catches the wind and pulls the dog up into the sky. This is the start of a fantastic journey around the world.
Carlos goes into the cloud forest to look for animals, but he manages to miss seeing them even though they have an adventure with his umbrella. On board pages.
A romantic story of mistaken identity. On a wet day, the purchase of an umbrella leads to a romantic chance encounter.
In the spirit of Jan Brett's The Mitten and The Hat, this cheerful tale of escalation will have readers poring over every illustration for the world of details Jan packs in.
Grandfather tells Susie the story behind the umbrella that happened a long time ago when his sister was just a little girl. Susie is then promised that she can have the umbrella if she will take good care of it.
This gorgeously illustrated story is a feel-good classic in the making for all bedtimes and story times. Read more books by the acclaimed duo Beth Ferry and Tom Lichtenheld: Stick and Stone Stick and Stone: Best Friends Forever!
Carlos goes into the cloud forest to look for animals, but he manages to miss seeing them even though they have an adventure with his umbrella.