9 H. Abraham, Justices and Presidents, 3rd edn, Oxford University Press: New York, 1992, p. 39. A few others have also failed to make it to the Court for ... the Bork nomination, 1 July 1987. 13 Abraham, Justices and Presidents, p. 266.
James W. Ely , Jr. , describes Fuller's responsibilities as chief justice but broadens his focus to explain the brethren's commitment to federalism in The Chief Justiceship of Melville W. Fuller , 1888-1910 ( Columbia , S.C. , 1995 ) .
Explores the Court's purpose, the role it has played in shaping American society, some of its most famous and controversial decisions, as well as the likely effects of future appointments...
This lucidly-written text is aimed at students and teachers of American politics who have little or no previous knowledge of the United States Supreme Court, the third co-equal branch of national government.
This book provides an accessible but thorough account of the US Supreme Court and its influence on American society and political life. The United States Supreme Court plays a controversial role in American politics.