In these later volumes, Harry Keogh's place has been taken by a new necroscope, Scott St. John. The entire Necroscope library currently consists of some fifteen volumes, including the collections of related short stories.
Explores the myth, lore, and representation in popular culture of vampires and vampire legends from around the globe
Explores the myth, lore, and representation in popular culture of vampires and vampire legends from around the globe.
The Ultimate Collection of Vampire Facts and Fiction From Vlad the Impaler to Barnabas Collins to Edward Cullen to Dracula and Bill Compton, renowned religion expert and fearless vampire authority J. Gordon Melton, PhD takes the reader on a ...
Teens the world over have fallen under the spell of these mysterious, blood-sucking, and oh-so-alluring beings! From Buffy to Twilight, vampire fans have gotten smarter and savvier, and this is the book for them.
The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead
Explores the myth, lore, and representation in popular culture of vampires and vampire legends from around the globe.
"The most comprehensive collection of vampire lore, with entries on everything from African vampires to Yama, the god of death".This unique encyclopedia satisfies your thirst for vampire lore and legends...
This book explores the historical, literary, mythological, biographical, and popular aspects of one of the world's most mesmerizing paranormal subject.
An illustrated guide to vampires that describes their creation, appearance, lore, habits, hunters, and more.