The Way of the Cross
The Way of the Cross
The Way of the Cross: A Treasury of Stations
These books combine clear text with lavish, colorful pictures to help readers understand the foundations of the Catholic faith.
Jesus has always invited and challenged his disciples to follow him in the way of redemptive suffering, the way of the cross. This, according to Joel Green, is the very heart of Mark's gospel. It is also the heart of discipleship today.
We consider this the best Way of the Cross we have ever seen. Traditional, edifying pictures. The Stabat Mater is given in Latin and English.
A book to help children learn to meditate on the passion of Jesus. Beautifully illustrated and in simple language this books is a wonderful way of introducing children to the prayer of the church.
Jesus has always invited and challenged his disciples to follow him in the way of redemptive suffering, the way of the cross. This, according to Joel Green, is the very heart of Mark's gospel. It is also the heart of discipleship today.
The Way of the Cross