"A woman who is not a fool can have but one reason for associating with a man that is," says Mirabell, the amorous hero of The Way of the World.
But if you have a mind to be married, say the word and send for the piper. Wilfull will do't. If not, dust it away and let's have t'other round – Tony! Ods heart where's Tony? Tony's an honest fellow, but he spits after a bumper, ...
tension hetweelt past and pt'eset1t is what Ray Kelly fi'els as he slips away _fi'o1tt the 9/ II ceremonies and into his waiting sedan. This is the lntsiest day of each year for the New Yhrle City police amtmirsionet; and Iujbre all the ...
Truth, justice, and accountability become more than mere words in this story.
William Congreve. W i l l i a m C o n g r e v e Considered ... Unabridged Dover (1993) republication of e Way of the World from Masterpieces ofthe English Drama: William Congreve, published by the American Book Company, New York, 1912.
From Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and bestselling author Ron Suskind comes a startling look at how America and the West lost their way, and at the struggles of their respective governments to reclaim the moral authority on which their ...
The introduction to this edition clarifies the playwright's and his characters' highly intricate plotting and argues that the key metaphor of the play is card-playing, in which fortune, cunning, concealment and a high trump drawn from the ...
This new edition includes an additional final chapter on the collapse of the Bildungsroman in the years around the First World War (a crisis which opened the way for Modernist experimentation), and a new preface in which the author looks ...
The Way of the World, which Bouvier fashioned over the course of many years from his journals, is an entrancing story of adventure, an extraordinary work of art, and a voyage of self-discovery on the order of Robert M. Pirsig’s Zen and ...
America was offering the world a new kind of politics, and new answers to the questions of who should rule and how. On April 30, I 789, George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States.
NEW. MERMAIDS. The Alchemist All for Love Arden of Faversham Arms and the Man Bartholomew Fair The ... Mode Marriage A-La-Mode Mrs Warren's Profession A New Way to Pay Old Debts The Old Wife's Tale The Playboy of the Western World The ...
Congreve's The Way of the World tells the story of Mirabell and Millamant, two lovers seeking marriage against the wishes of the latter's aunt, Lady Wishfort.
The Way of the World by William Congreve