An Overview of the Catholic Faith Anthony J. Marinelli. Artwork by Larry Nolte . Nihil obstat : Rev. Francis J. Schneider Censor librorum May 8th , 1992 Imprimatur : Most Reverend John R. McGann , D.D. Bishop of Rockville Centre May ...
Treats words, images, music and architecture all as primary evidence of Christian traditions. Is accompanied by a CD Rom containing hundreds of visuals to support the theories and examples discussed throughout the volume.
What is needed, says Ian A. McFarland, is a Chalcedonianism without reserve, which not only affirms the humanity and divinity of Christ but also treats them as equal in theological significance.
Father Richard Veras answers questions from biblical texts.
Calling attention to the visual materiality of the text, this book attempts to halt linear reading, trapping the eye in a field of letters which make a complex object on the page.
Gorgeous photographs and candid commentary are collected by authors Eva Talmadge—whose short story “The Cranes” was cited as Notable Nonrequired Reading of 2008 in Dave Eggers’ Best American Nonrequired Reading 2009—and Justin ...
Just " include him out , ” in the deathless phrase attributed to Sam Goldwyn . He will be forgotten eventually . He will cease to be . Shall he die , then ? In your life , shall he die ? You could allow this to happen .
Also available in the Spiritual Theology series: Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places, Eat This Book, The Jesus Way and Practise Resurrection.
Though incarnational mission, or "embodying the message," is a popular idea among Christians, it often comes under theological fire.
The Word Made Flesh
... the Word of God, by all of which the faith itself is shaken to its ... make his love abound more than the sin which seems so prevalent. Ioining ... love.” (Eph 4,16) This, too, was the prayer which Iesus . . . at the hour of his death made ...