The Works of John Wesley

  • The Works of John Wesley
    By John Wesley

    This is the fourth in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley's sermons. This volume contains 18 sermons that were published in the Arminian Magazine from 1789 to 1792.

  • The Works of John Wesley
    By John Wesley, William Reginald Ward

    Representing the culmination of years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church. --

  • The Works of John Wesley
    By John Wesley

    Representing the culmination of years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church....

  • The Works of John Wesley
    By John Wesley

    Curate of Sutton Coldfield ; curate to Henry Venn in Huddersfield , 1773 ; first vicar of St. Mary's ( Anglican ) chapel , Birmingham , 1774 ... Curate of Bradford ; rector of Portishead , 1764–91 ; and vicar of Kingston , 1771-91 .

  • The Works of John Wesley
    By John Wesley

    The Works of John Wesley

  • The Works of John Wesley: Sermons I, 1-33
    By John Wesley

    This is the first in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley's sermons. It contains a detailed introduction as well as sermons 1-33 of Sermons on Several...

  • The Works of John Wesley: 34-70 / ed. by Albert C. Outler
    By John Wesley

    The Works of John Wesley: 34-70 / ed. by Albert C. Outler

  • The Works of John Wesley: Letters III, 1756-1765
    By John Wesley

    Representing the culmination of years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church. --

  • The Works of John Wesley: Sermons
    By John Wesley

    The Works of John Wesley: Sermons

  • The Works of John Wesley
    By John Wesley

    This is the fifth volume of Wesley's Journal to appear in the critical edition of The Work of John Wesley. Covering the decade from mid-1765 to the beginning of 1776,...

  • The Works of John Wesley: Journal and diaries III, 1743-54
    By John Wesley, William Reginald Ward

    Representing the culmination of years of exhaustive research, it is the purpose of these conclusive volumes to keep alive the growing interest in Wesleyan studies for the entire Christian church. --

  • The Works of John Wesley: The appeals to men of reason and religion and certain related open letters
    By John Wesley, Frank Baker

    A critical presentation of the writings of John Wesley has long been needed, especially in view of the quickened interest in him and his ecumenical churchmanship. This edition is planned...