This examination of the events surrounding the pivotal Revolutionary War battle that led to the defeat of the British forces at Yorktown, Virginia, focuses on the central role of General...
The World Turned Upside Down
As much at home discussing the implications of the morality and mentality of The Tale of the Heike as he is describing local disputes among minor vassals or the economic implications of the pirate trade, Souyri brilliantly illustrates the ...
Few works of history have succeeded so completely in forcing their readers to take a fresh look at the evidence as Christopher Hill's The World Turned Upside Down – and that achievement is rooted firmly in Hill's exceptional problem ...
With four new text documents and four new visual source documents, the volume continues to portray such themes as loss of land, war and peace, missionaries and Christianity, the education of Native American youth, European technology, ...
"The only complete history of the Cultural Revolution by an independent scholar based in mainland China, 'The World Turned Upside Down' makes a crucial contribution to understanding the Cultural Revolution and its lasting influence today"--
The broad planes of his sunburned face turned into the driving cold wind for a moment and then he looked back down at the weather report secured to the top of a stack of papers on his clipboard. Behind him, the door of the barracks was ...
The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution
The World Turned Upside Down
Detailed analysis of a 17th century counter-culture and of religio-political ideas of the Left Wing of English Puritanism led by Milton, Bunyan and others.