Theories of Personality

  • Theories of Personality
    By Duane Schultz, Sydney Schultz

    Organized by theory, this popular text discusses major theorists who represent psychoanalytic, neopsychoanalytic, lifespan, trait, humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, and social-learning approaches, while demonstrating the influence of ...

  • Theories of Personality
    By Duane Schultz, Sydney Schultz

    Filled with updated research and findings, the Eighth Edition of Schultz and Schultz's THEORIES OF PERSONALITY gives students a clear and cogent introduction to this dynamic field. Organized by theory,...

  • Theories of Personality
    By Jess Feist

    This seventh edition of 'Theories of Personality' continues to provide comprehensive coverage of the most influential theorists of personality.

  • Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons
    By Susan C. Cloninger

    For one, while theories of personality can never explain all the particulars of individual lives, the theories explored within this text can help open eyes towards the important nuances and themes that might otherwise go unnoticed.

  • Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons
    By Susan Cloninger

    This text provides an overview of major classic and current theories of personality, brings theories to life through the interpretation of illustrative biographies, and integrates a clear explanation of theory with the latest research.

  • Theories of Personality: A Zonal Perspective
    By John Michael Berecz

    "Real world accessibility is one of the strengths of the book. The author makes a genuine effort to make theoretical concepts applicable to everyday experiences.

  • Theories of Personality
    By Calvin S. Hall, Gardner Lindzey, John B. Campbell

    This is the best book on theories ever published. The fourth edition is theory-oriented and has been reorganized into four parts examing theories of psychodynamics, personality structure, growth and perceived...

  • Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons
    By Susan C. Cloninger

    This comprehensive collection of over 130 carefully edited documents (speeches, treaties, statements, and articles) traces the rise and fall of the Cold War -- from its roots at Yalta and Potsdam in 1945 through the collapse of the Soviet ...

  • Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons
    By Susan C. Cloninger Ph.D.

    This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

  • Theories of Personality
    By Richard M. Ryckman

    He reviews the basic concepts and principles of the major theories of personality and assesses how well they meet criteria for judging their scientific worth.

  • Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons
    By Susan C. Cloninger


  • Theories of Personality
    By Duane P. Schultz

    Theories of Personality

  • Theories of Personality: A Systems Approach
    By David Lester

    First published in 1995. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

  • Theories of Personality
    By Richard M. Ryckman

    Ryckman (U. of Maine) intends his textbook to be accessible to undergraduates who have had little or no previous exposure to personality psychology. He reviews the basic concepts and principles...

  • Theories of Personality: Understanding Persons
    By Susan C. Cloninger

    Various Measures of the Big Five Factors and Other Personality Constructs Summary Chapter 9: Biological Theories: Evolution, Genetics, and Biological Factor Theories Chapter Overview Preview: Overview of Biological Theories Evolutionary ...

  • Theories of Personality
    By Gardner Lindzey, Calvin Springer Hall

    Covers personality theories of Sigmund Freud (psychoanalytic theory), C.G. Jung (analytic theory), Henry A. Murray (personology), Kurt Lewin (field theory), Gordon Allport, William H. Sheldon (constitutional theory), Raymond B. Cattell...

  • Theories of Personality
    By Jess Feist

    Theories of Personality