Mabelle as she worked with Paris designers on custom clothing to promote her special attributes, butit was toomuch troubleto go toHong Kong to interview Huang, who had been J.B.'s tailor ever since J.B. could remember requiring a suit ...
... Jeffrey Hom, Carl & Heidi Horsch, Amy L. Hubbard & Geoffrey J. Kehoe Fund, Kenneth Kahn & Susan Dicker, ... Joshua Mack & Ron Warren, Gillian McCain, Mary & Malcolm McDermid, Sjur Midness & Briar Andresen, Maureen Millea Smith ...
A freewheeling black comedy bound up in cultural confusion, political insanity, and environmental catastrophe.
This book is simultaneously entertaining and depressing, with all the rollicking pessimism you'd expect of a good soap opera or a good political satire."- Kirsten Backstrom, "500 Great Books by Women"
A wealthy Japanese man, a Brazilian healer, a couple who raise homing pigeons, a pilgrim, and an American businessman find their lives altered by their encounter with the rain forest