Time and Place

  • Time and Place
    By Alan Sheridan

    But now, disguised behind a beard, Esmond was, like me, a silent courtier, as were three of our young friends, John Cooke Beresford, Alfred Goddard and Robert Atkins, who, clean-shaven, had earlier appeared as Guildenstern, Bernardo and ...

  • Time and Place: My Story
    By William Palmer

    We also camped at Grizzly Reservoir off Lincoln Creek road and below Buckskin Pass for a two nighter, climbing to the pass the second day. I don't know that this was the year that we got into mushrooms. Maybe that was later.

  • Time and Place: Collected Essays
    By M. W. Beresford

    1 For the background to the taxes and some of the repercussions , Sir Charles Oman , The Great Revolt of 1381 ( 1906 ) . 2 The P. R. O. List mentioned below treats the Clerical Subsidies separately . The arrangement here is not by ...

  • Time and Place: The Geohistory of Art
    By Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann

    ... thus facilitating reconstruction of the demographic magnitude of localities and regions in which painting was ... production may have been in pre- and early-modern China.38 My anthropological fieldwork in rural Shaxian county, ...

  • TiMe and PLaCe
    By HoST

    THiS BooK HaS 1o1 SeNTeNCeS THeRe iS oNe SeNTeNCe oN eaCH PaGe . THe MoRe WoRDs USeD 2 EXPLaiN iT THe LeSS iT iS uNDeRSTooD .