Many know Title IX as groundbreaking legislation that protects people from sex-based discrimination in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance.
By 2001, those numbers had increased to 2.8 million and 150,000, respectively. Through this rich collection of documents, Susan Ware shows how athletics, once viewed as a privilege, came to be seen as a right.
The lawmakers and courts have had a major impact on many of the changes that have affected colleges and universities because of Title IX. As evidenced by their decisions in...
This book examines the history and evolution of Title IX, a landmark 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination at educational institutions receiving federal funding.
This book examines the history and evolution of Title IX, a landmark 1972 law prohibiting sex discrimination at educational institutions receiving federal funding.
Title IX, the text, helps to clarify the law in a three-part progression that is accurate and accessible.
Title IX: Building on 30 Years of Progress : Hearing Before the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United...