Tom Clancy's Op-Center

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Balance of power
    By Tom Clancy, Steve Pieczenik

    TOM CLANCY'S OP - CENTERTM : BALANCE OF POWER A Berkley Book / published by arrangement with Jack Ryan Limited Partnership and S & R Literary , Inc. PRINTING HISTORY Berkley edition / May 1998 Copyright © 1998 by Jack Ryan Limited ...

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Dark Zone
    By Jeff Rovin, George Galdorisi

    “I'm Captain Jacoby, this is Lieutenant Foster.” He indicated a man who was still at ground level, watching the street. The man raised a hand in acknowledgment but didn't turn around. “We're here to escort you to One Police Plaza.

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Out of the Ashes
    By Tom Clancy, Steve Pieczenik, George Galdorisi

    Rodgers was living on Capitol Hill and was vice president of a successful international business consultancy. The two men were a study in contrasts. Paul Hood wore a smart, but inexpensive, blue blazer, tan pants, a buttoned-down blue ...

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Scorched Earth
    By George Galdorisi

    "ISIS reigns supreme in huge swathes of Iraq and Syria and poses a threat to stability in the Middle East.

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Dark Zone
    By Jeff Rovin, George Galdorisi

    Former US Ambassador to the Ukraine Douglas Flannery meets with an old friend and former spy near New York’s South Street Seaport.

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Scorched Earth
    By George Galdorisi

    General Bob Underwood is en route to Syria when a rocket-propelled grenade strikes the side of his Humvee and the heavily armored convoy comes under attack.

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: For Honor
    By Jeff Rovin

    In For Honor, a chilling new thriller in the New York Times bestselling Tom Clancy's Op-Center series, simmering tensions threaten to ignite when a silo of Cold War missiles surfaces in the Middle East.

  • Tom Clancy's Op-center
    By Tom Clancy

    Tom Clancy's Op-center

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center
    By Tom Clancy

    Tom Clancy's Op-Center

  • Tom Clancy's Op-center
    By Tom Clancy, Steve R. Pieczenik

    When three nuclear missiles are stolen from the Ukraine by a terrorist group led by a fascist KGB officer, Paul Hood, Director of the National Crisis Management Center, must retrieve the missiles before they fall into the hands of Islamic ...

  • Tom Clancy's Op-center: State of siege
    By Tom Clancy, Steve R. Pieczenik

    Calling themselves the "Keepers" and armed with stolen U.N. arms, a group of greedy, maverick U.N. soldiers seizes control of the United Nations during a gala attended by the ambassadors of ten nations.

  • Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Sea of Fire
    By Tom Clancy

    Tom Clancy's Op-Center: Sea of Fire