Tort Law for Paralegals

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Neal R. Bevans

    claim upon which relief could be granted; the trial court granted the motions and dismissed all of Thompson-El's claims against the defendants. Thompson-El appeals. For the reasons explained below, we affirm. Thompson-El contends that ...

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Neal R. Bevans

    3 John buys a ticket for a Ferris wheel ride at a traveling carnival. The back of the ticket has language that states, “Ferris wheels are a dangerous form of entertainment. The purchaser assumes all risks in the operation and function ...

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Robert Cummins, George E. Guay, Robert R. Cummins

    With this court room focus, the authors explore negligence, business torts, liabilities and intentional torts. Filled with updated cases and laws, this edition includes a new chapter on torts and relationships.

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Robert Cummins, George E. Guay III

    This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Tort Law...

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Neal R. Bevans

    Tort Law for Paralegals combines real-life examples with in-depth coverage of key topics. This time-tested text prepares students with practice-based assignments and a wealth of activities that reinforce the material.

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Neal R. Bevans

    Case excerpts in each chapter provide a basis for discussing legal theory and its applications. Ethics topics are also covered in each chapter. Well-structured pedagogy reinforces this readable text.

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Neal R. Bevans

    Tort Law for Paralegals, Seventh Edition

  • Tort Law for Paralegals

    Tort Law for Paralegals

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Neal R. Bevans

    Here is broad coverage of all the key topics in tort law that paralegals need to know, written in an engaging style with plenty of examples and illustrations.

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Bevans

    Tort Law for Paralegals

  • Tort Law for Paralegals
    By Robert Cummins, III, George E. Guay

    Unique in perspective, this book explores tort law within the context of the litigation process.