This book provides an in-depth look at the basic principles of tort law.
Filled with up-to-date real world examples, internet references, and numerous opportunities for practice, this book will help readers build skills, apply concepts, and stay up-to-date on exciting developments in tort law.
"This is a book on tort law for law students"--
Tort Law
The book sets each tort in its social context to make clear when and why claims might be brought, and then provides a clear explanation of the rules relating to each tort.
This new fourth edition of Tort Law has been completely revised and updated to take account of developments since the last edition a new section on vicarious liability has been added.The principal aim of this text is to provide a modern and ...
'Tort Law' is a revision guide which covers key topics found on undergraduate and GDL courses.
'Tort Law' is a revision guide which covers key topics found on undergraduate and GDL courses.
Tort Law: Cases, Materials, Problems
"This text, primarily used for first year law students, discusses tort law, which deals with wrongful acts or injury that lead to physical, emotional, or financial damage to a person in which another person could be held legally responsible ...
Tort Law: Cases and Economic Analysis
Law Express: Tort Law is designed to help you to relate all the reading and study throughout your course specifically to exam and assignment situations.
Buy a new version of this Connected Casebook and receive access to the online e-book, practice questions from your favorite study aids, and an outline tool on CasebookConnect, the all in one learning solution for law school students.
Features: A blending of bothold classicsandmodern relevant cases Easy to follow organization withclear topicheadings Usefultextto introduce thelarger picture contextfor eachsection and case Focused, limited notesfollowing each case to ...
Law Express Question and Answer: Tort Law is designed to ensure you get the most marks for every answer you write by improving your understanding of what examiners are looking for, helping you to focus in on the question being asked and ...
This is an easy-to-read text for paralegals/legal assistants who are studying the basic elements of tort and insurance law.
'Tort Law' provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. The 'Essential Cases' series provides you with succinct summaries of some of the landmark and most influential cases in tort law.
'Tort Law' provides a bridge between course textbooks and key case judgments. 'Essential Cases' provides you with succinct summaries of some of the landmark and most influential cases in tort law.
This book is intended to provide the first-year torts student with a comprehensive picture of tort law, combined with an introduction to legal reasoning, civil procedure, dispute resolution & ethical...
As well as setting out the law itself, the authors examine the principles behind tort law, and discuss some of the issues and debates arising from it.