Total Burn Care

  • Total Burn Care
    By David N. Herndon

    Redl G, Abdi S, Nichols RJ, et al. The effects of a selective thromboxane synthetase inhibitor on the response of the right heart to endotoxin in sheep. Crit Care Med 1991; 19:1294–1302. 95. Navaratnam RL, Morris SE, Traber DL, et al.

  • Total Burn Care: Expert Consult - Online
    By David N. Herndon

    Kaus A, Jacobsen F, Sorkin M, Rittig A, Voss B, Daigeler A, Sudhoff H, Steinau HU, Steinstraesser L. Host defence peptides in human burns. Burns. 2008;34:32-40. Rodeberg DA, Bass RC, Alexander JW, Warden GD, Babcock GF.

  • Total Burn Care
    By David N. Herndon

    Total Burn Care guides you in providing optimal burn care and maximizing recovery, from resuscitation through reconstruction to rehabilitation!

  • Total Burn Care
    By David N. Herndon

    Considering the complex management of burned patients from injury through to rehabilitation, this fourth edition covers the advances in the treatment of burns as well as the clinical, physical, psychological and social needs of the burn ...

  • Total Burn Care
    By David N. Herndon

    Total Burn Care is a unique book that considers the complex management of burned patients from injury through to rehabilitation. This new edition covers the advances in the treatment of...