Total Quality Management


    In a nutshell, the book provides wide coverage of areas related to TQM and integrates all its processes, tools and techniques under one management system to help businesses grow and excel. This is indeed the unique feature of the book.

  • Total Quality Management: Text with Cases
    By John S. Oakland, Leslie J. Porter

    Written by the acknowledged British guru of Total Quality Management, John Oakland, this book is based on material from his two best-selling TQM books tailored to meet the particular requirements of a student audience.

  • Total Quality Management: Proceedings of the first world congress
    By G. Kanji

    A comparison of TQM - performance in the Nordic and East Asian countries K. KRISTENSEN , J.J. DAHLGAARDb and G.K. KANJIc a Department of Information Science , The Aarhus School of Business . Fuglesangs Allé 4 , 8210 Aarhus V , Denmark ...

  • Total Quality Management
    By R. S. Naagarazan

    SYLLABUS GE406 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 3 0 0 100 1. INTRODUCTION 9 Definition of Quality , Dimensions of Quality , Quality Planning , Quality Costs – Analysis Techniques for Quality Costs , Basic concepts of Total Quality Management ...

  • Total Quality Management: An Integrated Approach
    By Shailendra Nigam

    This book has been written with the premise that no organisation can survive in an increasingly competitive business environment unless its primary focus is on offering quality products and services.

  • Total Quality Management: Text, Cases, and Readings, Third Edition
    By Joel E. Ross

    Since the publication of the first and second editions of this book, interest in and acceptance of TQM has continued to accelerate around the world. This edition has been thoroughly revised, updated and expanded.

  • Total Quality Management: Text, Cases, and Readings
    By Joel E. Ross

    Total Quality Management: Text, Cases, and Readings

  • Total Quality Management: Text, Cases and Readings, Second Edition
    By Joel E. Ross

    Acclaimed and used in over 200 colleges and universities around the country, Total Quality Management: Text, Cases and Readings has been completely revised and expanded to meet the growing demands...

  • Total Quality Management: Text and Cases
    By K. Shridhara Bhat

    Total Quality Management: Text and Cases

  • Total Quality Management: An Introductory Text
    By Paul T. J. James

    This textbook provides the reading required for any course in TQM, quality assurance or quality management. It is a comprehensive text that provides depth to any quality-related issues within an...


    The special feature of this book is that every chapter has a case study, in addition to a host of short questions and summary type questions.

  • Total Quality Management: A pictorial guide for managers
    By John S Oakland, Peter Morris

    This book will show students and managers what they need to understand about TQM in the simplest, clearest and most memorable form. Professor John Oakland is undoubtedly the British guru of quality management.

  • Total Quality Management
    By John S. Oakland

    Total Quality Management

  • Total Quality Management
    By John S. Oakland

    Another new book in the popular and original series of pictorial guides - John Oakland cuts through the complex concepts and confusing jargon associated with implementing Total Quality, and Peter...

  • Total Quality Management: Project Team Leaders Pocket Book

    This pocketbook, part of a range of books supporting quality improvement processes, is designed to be used and carried easily around the workplace specifically by project team leaders, but also by anyone involved in Total Quality project ...

  • Total Quality Management: Text, Cases and Readings
    By J.E. Ross

    Total Quality Management: Text, Cases and Readings

  • Total Quality Management: The Key to Business Improvement
    By C. Hakes

    This work considers the strategic aspects of the key management issues of the future - Total Quality Management (TQM).

  • Total Quality Management
    By M.P. Poonia, S.C. Sharma

    The use of TQM spread over the service and technology sector at a very fast rate. Quality Council of India (QCI), an organisation jointly set up by Government of India with Indian industry, in 1997 as an autonomous body, to establish ...

  • Total Quality Management
    By Poornima M. Charantimath

    In the early 1980s, Wipro diversified into the Information Technology sector when India witnessed waves of liberalization sweeping across various sectors of the economy. It has been a fascinating transformation from a vegetable oil ...

  • Total Quality Management: Custom Publication for the University of the South Pacific
    By Rao

    Total Quality Management: Custom Publication for the University of the South Pacific