Her dream to compete at the Olympics came true in 1948. This is an inspiring free-verse story of the first African-American woman to win an Olympic gold medal. Photos of Alice Coachman are also included.
Touch the Sky: My Solo Flight Around the World
Lucas Barnett and Gabriel Stewart didn't have it easy as kids.
Touch the Sky takes the reader on a mesmerizing trip back and forth between the Bronze Age and contemporary times--a trip that will challenge our notion of science and reality and affirm our belief in the immortality of love.
To speak up. To stand out. Leap forward. And break out. Give me a football, give me a pen. If I fall down, I will stand up again. This book is a tribute to the courage and confidence of the Indian woman, from Korba to Kashmir.
S. C. Rackes. TOUCH THE SKY: COUNTRY, INSPIRATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS * THouGHis \ . S. C. RACKES Touch the S ky: Country, Inspirational and Religious Thoughts S. Front Cover.
... Carina Press and be the first to know about our newest releases! Visit CarinaPress.com Other ways to keep in touch: Facebook.com/CarinaPress Twitter.com/CarinaPress ISBN-13: 9781488099540 Touch the Sky Copyright © 2018 by Kari.
The History of Aviation Dr. Diana Prince. D R . D I A N A P R IN C E TOUCH THE SKY THE HISTORY OF AVIATION DR. DIANA PRINCE. Front Cover.
- The first set of paired biographies is available Fall 2009.
... Touch the sky / Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic ; illustrated by Chris Park . Description : Minneapolis , MN : Carolrhoda Books , [ 2024 ] | Audience : Ages 5-9 ... TOUCH SKY STEPHANIE V.W. LUCIANOVIC CHRIS PARK CAROLRHODA BOOKS Minneapolis.
In Denmark in 1946, thirteen-year-old Peter, his twin sister Elise, and their friend Henrik find themselves involved in a sinister plot to keep a group of Jews from reaching what they hope will become their new homeland in Eretz Israel.
Touch The Sky
Touch the Sky: The Needles in the Black Hills of South Dakota
... horizon . By seven we had finished breakfast . On arriving at the " Notch " ( a literal gate of rock ) , we found ourselves absolutely on the knifelike ridge or backbone of Long's Peak , only a few feet wide , cov- ered with colossal ...