
  • Tourism
    By Peter Robinson, Michael Lück, Stephen L. J. Smith

    Covering topics such as policy and planning, heritage management, leisure management, event management and hospitality management, the book tackles the practical elements of academic tourism such as infrastructure management and economic ...

  • Tourism: The Business of Travel
    By Roy A. Cook, Laura J. Yale, Joseph J. Marqua

    All students should find the text enjoyable and educational no matter which part of the industry they find most interesting. The authors designed this book so that it engages students in the learning experience.

  • Tourism
    By Bruce Tamagno, Anna-Louise Allen, Jillian Wright

    This simulating series has proved highly successful over many years and each topic remains fresh and stimulating. Each topic is carefully selected to address state and territory curricula variants.

  • Tourism: Rethinking the Social Science of Mobility
    By Colin Michael Hall

    'Tourism' helps provide an understanding of the contemporary forces shaping tourism in a manner that connects the field to broader policy and scientific debate that is approachable by students of tourism at all levels.

  • Tourism: Principles and Practice
    By Chris Cooper

    The text has been updated to take into account developments such as growing concern for climate change and the maturing response of tourism to the safety and security of tourists.

  • Tourism: Principles and Practice
    By John Fletcher, David Gilbert, Chris Cooper

    This new edition makes a timely and valuable contribution to the field of tourism and brings an already excellent book truly up-to-date with the latest requirements in this subject-area - Peter Bolan, Universityof Ulster Security fears, ...

  • Tourism
    By Peter Robinson, Michael Lück, Stephen L. J. Smith

    Resource added for the Business Management program 101023.

  • Tourism
    By Peter Robinson, Michael Lück, Stephen L. J. Smith

    The book is written to complement current teaching practices around the world, offering full coverage of all aspects of tourism management.

  • Tourism: Principles and Practice
    By John Edward Fletcher, Alan Fyall, Stephen Wanhill

    This text introduces the fundamental principles of tourism and provides a framework that effectively integrates theory and practice.

  • Tourism: Principles and Practice
    By John Fletcher, David Gilbert, Alan Fyall

    The text has been updated to take into account developments such as Special Interest Tourism, and has added content on the history and evolution of the subject.

  • Tourism: Principles and Practice
    By John Fletcher, Chris Cooper, Alan Fyall

    Tourism: Principles and Practice, 4/e plus Companion Website with Gradetracker Student Access Card: Tourism 4th Edition: Principles and Practice, 4/e

  • Tourism: Principles and Practice
    By John Fletcher, David Gilbert, Alan Fyall

    Figure 3.4 Cohen's classification of tourists Source: Adapted from Cohen, 1972 The interaction of personality attributes such as attitude, perceptions and motivation allow different types of tourist role to be identified.

  • Tourism
    By David Knox, Great Britain. Parliament House of Commons. European Standing Committee B.


  • Tourism: How Effective Management Makes the Difference
    By Roger Doswell

    Middleton, V. (1994) Marketing in Travel and Tourism, 2nd edn, ButterworthHeinemann. Middleton, V. (1995) Sustainable Tourism: A Marketing Perspective, Butterworth-Heinemann. Mill, R. C. (1990) Tourism: The International Business, ...

  • Tourism: An Introduction
    By Adrian Franklin

    Buckley, P.J. and Witt, S.F. (1989) `Tourism in Dif®cult Areas: Case Studies of Calderdale, Leeds, Manchester and Scunthorpe', Tourism Management 10 (2): 555±65. Buckley, R. (1994) `A Framework for Ecotourism', Annals of Tourism ...

  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis
    By Stephen J. Page, Joanne Connell

    ... Cordoba) small-scale, specialist ships exist to take Vietnam (Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City) niche market clients to Antarctica and Thailand (Bangkok – Chiang Mai and Pedang Besar and Kuala Lumpur) the Galapagos Islands, and, ...

  • Tourism: Process and Perspectives
    By David Gordon McPherson

    Tourism: Process and Perspectives

  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis
    By Stephen J. Page, Paul Brunt, Graham Busby

    A strong business and management theme pervades the book reflecting developments in the teaching and content of modern courses. The book is based around the principles of management and includes case studies emphasising this theme.

  • Tourism: A Modern Synthesis
    By Stephen Page, Joanne Connell

    This is the ideal guide to tourism for students across all levels, serving as a point of reference throughout a programme of study.

  • Tourism: The International Business
    By Robert Christie Mill

    Tourism: The International Business