domestically for export cannot be a " gray market good ” and hence cannot violate section 1337 . However , K Mart did not address violations of either section 1337 or of the Lanham Act . Rather , the case discussed gray market theory as ...
Each provision requires, as a prerequisite to finding liability, that the defendant "use in commerce" the protected mark or a colorable imitation thereof. [citations omitted] The district court concluded that the mere licensing of a ...
The latest edition of this popular casebook includes full coverage of the principles surrounding trademark acquisiton and registration under federal law, as well as infringement and dilution issues.
The current edition also contains more visual material. As with the 5th edition, the 6th edition will be available in a looseleaf version for $75. An updated Teachers Manual is also available for professors teaching Trademark Law.
This comprehensive two-volume collection of leading articles in trademark and unfair competition law spans almost a century and three continents, bringing together the most influential and significant scholarly work in this exciting field.
Devotes separate chapters to Acquisition of Trademark Rights, Registration of Trademarks, and Loss of Trademark Rights. The material on infrigement of trademarks includes a distinct section on defenses to infringement....
This book also is available in a three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book.
This book also is available in a three-hole punched, alternative loose-leaf version printed on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with wider margins and with the same pagination as the hardbound book.
Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Materials
Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Materials
Trademark and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Comments