With emancipation in nineteenth-century Europe, Jewish artists at last had an opportunity to develop their new professional vocation. At first only a few notable painters emerged, but in Berlin before...
Empowerment is the necessary first step for individuals and communities to become self-governing. Self-governance is a basic and fundamental civil right currently denied to many Americans. This is one of...
En dépit de son âge, il paraissait jeune et avait un physique avantageux, et les gens lui cédaient habituellement la place. ... En attirant de façon si indésirable l'attention de la presse, des politiciens, de la police ? Et pire que ...
A Story of Transformation and Salvation "I had no idea of the intimate reality and power of the Holy Spirit. Although I mouthed words about such things in hymns, and...
They need a renewing of their mind. They need to get back in alignment with the will of God. This book's purpose is to reunite you with God, His Word, and His will for your life, which is good and acceptable and perfect.
The "gift of righteousness" is far richer than many of us have dared to imagine! In Transformation: The Heart of Paul's Gospel, deSilva examines the gospel message as presented in Paul's letters.
Adulthood follows, and the process continues through mid-life through to old age. This experience is a natural transformation. There is also a spiritual transformation that we all should go through.
While the transformation process is an end in itself, the ultimate end is Christ's glory.
It is not even clear to whom he was writing. However, the text has been found to be of great value to those who try to follow a spiritual path based on the principles of the Fourth Way.
... Besieged Adept While learning to control her wild sorcery, Adept Aetria has defeated a pair of traitors trying to kill her, found a long-lost twin, and uncovered secrets of the source and nature of magic. Now she continues her research ...
This book offers a challenging reading of the legacy of C.G. Jung, who offered fascinating insights into the psyche.
This book is about my personal story, and walk with the Lord, and how he transformed my life and revealed traditions, and cycles that took place. You will read how a manifestation takes place and how I embrace this new creature in Christ.
... Typ sozialen beziehungsweise gesellschaftlichen Wandels (Reißig 2009; 2014), der durch drei Merkmale charakterisiert ... als rationale Umsetzung eines feststehenden Masterplans, sondern als offener Suchprozess nach gesellschaftlichen ...
In this study guide based on the Bible's account of David and A Heart for God by Rebecca Manley Pippert, you'll investigate David's choices, mistakes and triumphs--and you'll discover how to make the same transformation in your own life.
... de la Loi des Immortels ? - Les Anciens, répondit-elle rapidement. A l'époque où j'ai été transformée, il n'y avait que peu de vampires. Mais notre nombre n'était pas seulement dû à la l'expansion lente de notre espèce. Les vampires et ...
Transformation: The Breakthrough
Transformation is the real life, fast-moving story of David and his friends, who live and sometimes die, in the pursuit of peace. Meet David as he faces a pistol aimed at his head ready to fire, only fast action saves his life.
Transformation: A Rites of Passage Manual for African American Girls
... Ministry, by BillDonahue and Russ Robinson Walking the Small Group Tightrope ... Best in the Body of Christ—Revised, by Bruce Bugbee Marriage and Parenting Fit to Be Tied, by Bill and Lynne Hybels Surviving a Spiritual Mismatch in Marriage, ...
This book places a magnifying glass on one piece of the terrain by engaging the work of philosopher, theologian, and psychologist James Loder, mystical spirituality scholars Andrew Louth, Bernard McGinn, Denys Turner, and Mark McIntosh, and ...